How to Use Benchmarks

  • Updated

WorkTango Benchmarks provide an opportunity to compare your employee engagement data to other similar organizationsWe'll explore how to enable this feature, manage access and privacy, and take action on survey results. 

Accessing Benchmarks

To access WorkTango’s Benchmarks, you must first conduct a survey that includes benchmarked questions. Benchmark-eligible questions are marked with a "B" next to each question on the survey builder page. This way, you can easily spot which questions can be compared to WorkTango’s Benchmarks while building your survey.

Benchmark-supported survey questions are marked with a “B” in the Question Editor, within the “Build” section of your survey creation page. Include these questions in your surveys to enable Benchmarking.


Once responses have been submitted and the survey has closed, follow the steps outlined below to compare your survey results to WorkTango’s Benchmarks. 

  1. From the main “Surveys” tab in the left navigation, select the survey you would like to analyze and click “View Reports''.
  2. From there, navigate to the “Analyze” tab and click the “Questions'' toggle to view a breakdown of your survey results by question.
  3. Select the “Distribution” tab to view favorable, unfavorable and neutral responses together, or select the “Score” tab to view the percentage of favorable responses in isolation. 
    • WorkTango’s recommendation is to view benchmarks through the “Distribution” tab, as outlined in the image below. 

  1. From here, navigate to and click the “Compare With” dropdown menu at the top right of the page.
    • This will bring up all the benchmarkable data that is available for comparison. 
  2. Select the Benchmark from which you would like to compare your survey results to.  
  3. Once a Benchmark has been selected, the page will automatically compare your survey question results to all available Benchmarks in that category. This information is shown as a percentage difference under the “Compare With” column.
    •  If the score on your question is lower than the Benchmark, it will display a negative figure with an orange bar. If it’s above the Benchmark, a positive percentage will be shown with a light blue bar.  
    • The n value represents the number of companies used to compile the Benchmark value for that question and is displayed beside the score. 

Benchmark Visibility & Roles

Survey administrators have complete control over their program by managing who has access to view Benchmark data within their organization. To adjust access for a Role, follow the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to the “Users” section in the left navigation of the Surveys & Insights platform.
  2. Click the “Roles” tab at the top of the page. 
  3. Select a role you would like to edit and navigate to “Engagement” under the Survey Type Permissions header.
  4. Click the “View Reporting” toggle to ensure it’s enabled. 
  5. Then, click on the “View Benchmarks” toggle to easily enable or disable benchmark access/visibility for that particular role.


If you would prefer to adjust access to Benchmarks on an individual level, follow the steps outlined above, except: 

  1. Remain on the “Users” tab and select an individual user you would like to adjust the permissions for.  
  2. Select “Custom Permissions” from the role dropdown.
  3. Navigate to “Engagement” under survey type permissions and click “View Reporting” toggle. 
  4. Enable the “View Benchmarks” toggle to update access for that specific userToggle on benchmarks.png

Manage access to benchmark data through Roles to easily track and update who in your organization can access Benchmarks. Changing the permissions of individual users is only recommended when assigning custom permissions to a user.

This gives administrators greater control and flexibility over what their managers and leaders focus on in the platform. Whether you prefer them to focus on the insights most pertinent to their responsibilities and team, or if you want a holistic view of how different areas of your organization compare to others – the choice is yours.

For more information about available data and best practices, read Available Benchmarks & Best Practices.

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