Using Survey Templates

  • Updated

Turning insight into action is the ultimate goal of an HR team. The goal of WorkTango Survey Templates is to accelerate the process of helping your company to deploy Surveys based on best practices and I/O Psychologist recommendations, and generate quality Survey Reporting & Insights as quickly as possible.

To use Survey Templates for easy survey creation, follow the steps below:

Choose from template.png

  1. From the Surveys page, click the 'Create a new survey' dropdown and select 'Choose from template...'
  2. Select a template from the list by clicking ‘Select

  3. Choose languages from dropdown that appears

  4. Click the ‘Create a survey using selected template'

    If multiple survey types exist for the template’s base survey type, then the button will be a dropdown enabling you to select the survey type.

    An indicator will appear next to the survey type if the base survey type default set of questions was altered and will require the user to link factors in the ‘Build’ step.


Once you complete this step, you will not be able to change the languages or survey type. 

  1. At this point, you will be in the 'Configure' stage of survey creation with the selected language(s) and survey type preloaded.
  2. In the build stage, the survey questions from the template will also be preloaded in. You can edit or add more questions at this stage. Then continue the survey creation/sending process as described in Custom Survey Creation, Editing, and Sending.

If your company has run a survey previously and you want to be able to trend against historical data, DO NOT use Survey Templates to create this year's survey from scratch. Instead, "Clone" your previous survey to retain the same questions. This will allow you to display trending.


As additional types of survey templates become available over time, they will automatically appear in the list of survey templates within the WorkTango platform. WorkTango will not always alert you to each new template as it is launched, so we recommend checking back regularly to see available templates.


All survey templates currently available within the platform also are accompanied by translations in other languages. If you edit any questions within the preconfigured survey template, please note that the foreign language translations of that question will NOT automatically update. Your English language survey will feature the updated/edited question, but foreign language versions of the survey will retain the original question translation.

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