There are a few different ways to add users to the WorkTango Recognition & Rewards platform.
Manual User Import
Under the User Management tab, select Users. Then, from the upper right corner of the users page, select Import people.
From here, you can upload your user file template to the website. Please make sure that it is a .csv file, and that the required fields are populated upon upload. Required fields are noted on the image shown. Additionally, be sure to verify the active import settings. If any changes need to be made to these settings, go to the Company Settings tab under User Management and scroll down to the import settings section to make updates.
- Create inactive users: Check this option to allow users with a status of “Paused” or “Archived” in the user import file to be created in the system. Without this checked, any users with those statuses will not be added to the platform.
- Send activation email to new users: Check this option to send an activation email to all new users in your file.
This option should only be used if you are adding users to the platform post-launch!
Manually Adding One-off Users
From the User Management dropdown, select Users. Then, from the right corner, select Add User.
Basic Information:
This section is where you will input basic user information. Fields boxed in red are required fields, while the rest are optional*.
*While email is indicated as optional, it is highly recommended to ensure users receive notifications from the platform.
Detailed Information:
This section is where you will input more detailed information on your user. The Status field is the only required field in this section. The User Role field is where you can assign specific permissions to designated users. For more information on role functionality, please see our user role definition document.
If you are adding users before the platform is launched, we recommend leaving the Send Welcome Email feature off.
Position & Groups:
Required fields are boxed in red. Any Departments, Locations, or Groups will need to be defined in the platform prior to the creation of this user.
After you are finished updating the user, select the Save user option at the bottom of the page!
Automated User Import
You have the option to set up an automated user import either through SFTP or through our Merge integration.
Editing Users
Admins have the ability to edit user information for employees already added in the platform. To do so, select the three dot menu from beside the user you’d like to edit. Select Edit user to access their profile information. You can also change the user’s status from this menu, as well as manually set their point balances, or send them an activation email.
Bulk Actions
Admins have the ability to make user edits in bulk. The bulk actions admins are able to enact are shown in the red box below. Select the users you want to edit by checking them off on the left hand side, then select the bulk action dropdown menu.
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