Rewards - Admin Basics

Custom rewards are a great way to allow employees to use their WorkTango Points to Redeem for rewards fulfilled internally by your company.* This may include anything from company swag to local gift cards and experiences to point pools for team rewards and donations. Additionally, you have the option to create rewards that give points to send back to users when they redeem.

Rewards-Home Page-Purple.png

Key actions you may need to take regarding Rewards:

  • Add/remove/edit custom rewards and point pools in your Company catalog
  • Approve/deny rewards that require manual approval (both Company catalog and Rewards Marketplace)
  • Fulfill all company rewards when redeemed by employees
  • View engagement and budget dashboards and reports for Rewards

For more information on creating and managing custom rewards in your Company catalog, see the following resources:

*Remember that custom company rewards do not incur any charge from WorkTango and are at the sole discretion of your company to fund and fulfill.

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