Employee Attribute Template Guide

  • Updated

Download Employee File Template

Use this guide as a framework to populate your WorkTango employee file. Your employee file should be uploaded into the WorkTango platform before every survey launch. To download a copy of the template, click here. If you have questions populating the file, conducting mapping, or uploading, please contact your Surveys & Insights Consultant. 

The WorkTango employee file template includes headers at the top of the file, as well as both system fields and commonly utilized fields. 

  • System fields can be optional or required, and provide important information for fielding a survey. 
  • System field headers in the first row of the template should not be changed.
  • Commonly utilized fields represent organizational information about employees. The fields you choose to include should be relevant and important to your organization when filtering and grouping survey data. Groupings should be a minimum of 7 to meet standard anonymity threshold of 5.
  • Commonly utilized field headers in the first row of the template can be changed.

Key Tips:

As employees are placed into attribute segments based on information in the employee file, be mindful of the granularity of your data. WorkTango recommends utilizing broader fields like Department or Division, as opposed to granular fields like Job Title, because it allows for easier interpretation and visibility given any anonymity thresholds in place.

When preparing your file, be mindful of consistency. Be sure to use the same capitalization, labeling, accents, or punctuation where applicable, as the platform will treat each difference as a unique field. 

If you have any blank fields in your file, these fields will show up as “Unknown” in the WorkTango reporting dashboard. Determine a terminology that will be used across all files where blanks occur, such as N/A or Unknown. 

System Fields

System fields provide important information for fielding a survey. Some system fields are required, as indicated below. Do not change the system field headers in your employee file template. 

  • First Name - This is the employee's first name. This attribute is optional and therefore can be left blank.
  • Last Name - This is the employee's last name or surname. This attribute is optional and therefore can be left blank.
  • Employee Id - This is a unique numeric or alphanumeric identification code set by the employer assigned to the employee by the employer. This is a required attribute and the system will not allow for duplicate employee id. * Employee ids are associated with the data they provide and can only be changed by the WorkTango team - any changes made on the platform will produce an error indicating duplicate idss. *  
  • Email - This attribute is the email address associated with the employee. This attribute also identifies the email address the survey will be sent to upon launch. This is a required attribute and the system will not allow for duplicate emails. 
  • Enabled - This attribute identifies if the employee is currently active (employed) or deactivated (on leave of absence or terminated). Enter “Yes” for active employees or “No” for deactivated employees. This is a required attribute.
  • Manager Employee Id - This is the unique numeric or alphanumeric identification code assigned to the employee’s direct manager. This attribute is required to map a leader’s hierarchy. The manager’s employee id must match the format identified in the employee id attribute listed above. This is an optional attribute, but recommended as it populates a “People Leader” filter in the reporting dashboard. A manager must also exist as an employee on your employee file. If you have a vacant manager position, please contact your Customer Success Manager for guidance. 
  • Language - This attribute identifies the language the employee will receive the survey in. If all employees should receive the survey in the same language, this field can be left blank. Otherwise, please enter the appropriate language code as identified in the language code tab on the employee attribute file. The test email will send an email to the User that will contain the communication example for all languages, however the participants (employees) will only be sent the email, with the survey in that corresponding survey in the language identified. For bilingual messaging, copying all messages in languages into the text box on the platform. 

Commonly Utilized Fields

Commonly utilized fields provide valuable information for analyzing a survey. These fields below serve as potential recommendations to consider, and should represent important fields when interpreting data. You may change the headers in your employee file template. 

  • Department -  A department is a division of the larger organization as a whole, typically dealing with a specific subject, commodity, or area of activity. This attribute is optional based on the structure of your organization and the data you are looking to capture.
  • Sub-Department -  A sub-department is a smaller department within a larger department. This attribute is optional based on the structure of your organization and the data you are looking to capture.
  • Sales Region - This attribute identifies the sales region an employee is assigned to or located within. It  may be based on the customer group or geographical area for which an individual salesperson or a sales team holds responsibility. This attribute is optional based on the structure of your organization and the data you are looking to capture. 
  • State/Province - This attribute identifies the state or province the employee either resides on or based out of. 
  • Country - This attribute identifies the country the employee either resides on or based out of. 
  • Level - This attribute identifies specific job levels, also known as job grades and classifications, based on your organization. They may be further defined by impact, seniority, knowledge, skills, or job title, and are often associated with a pay band. 
  • Job Title - This attribute identifies the name of the position the employee holds at your company. WorkTango recommends excluding this attribute unless all groupings contain 7 or more employees to exceed the standard anonymity threshold of 5.
  • Gender - This attribute identifies the orientation of the employee as identified by the employee. 
  • Generation - This attribute identifies the generational period the employee belongs to. Generation collectively groups together individuals born during the same time periods together. Employees around the world may approach issues in different ways, depending on which generation they were born in. 
  • Birth Date (or Birth Year) - This attribute identifies the date on which the employee was born. This attribute is useful in mapping the generation attribute listed above, but is not recommended as a filterable attribute.
  • Start Date - This attribute identifies the date on which the employee started. This attribute is useful in mapping the tenure attribute listed below. It should not be included as a filterable attribute.
  • Tenure Range - This attribute identifies how long wage and salary workers have been with the organization at the time of the survey.

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