Creating Custom Point Pool Rewards

  • Updated

A point pool is a type of custom reward that allows multiple employees to contribute to redeem a team reward or raise funds for a good cause. 

A point pool can be a department outing, a special experience, or team treats... anything you can dream up! You can do anything from “hot cookies delivered to the office” to “the CEO presents the next All-Hands in a chicken suit” (a personal favorite and 10/10 would recommend). 

Point pools are also a great way for your organization to give back where and when it matters most. At WorkTango, we’ve seen organizations use point pools to raise money for employees in need, e.g., unforeseen medical expenses or natural disasters. Allowing your employees to “pay it forward” to their coworkers in trying times creates a sense of community within your organization.


Real Use Case: How Renaissance used Point Pools to expand the reach of its ESG initiatives

Establishing impactful ESG initiatives can sometimes be challenging for fully remote companies. This also initially proved to be the case for Renaissance, a K-12 education technology software company who uses WorkTango. When one of Renaissance’s acquired companies in the U.K. decided to hold a bake sale to support a charitable cause, their HR team decided to expand the event’s impact and open it up to all employees, no matter where they were located. Renaissance’s HR team accomplished this by making the charitable cause instantly accessible within the WorkTango platform. Remote team members were able to log into the platform and participate in the “Bake Sale Charity Event” by donating some of their Rewards points to the cause. Creating a Points Pool for charity within the WorkTango platform was a cost-effective way for employees around the world to make a difference, support Renaissance’s ESG initiatives, and feel part of a local ESG event.


Getting Started

From the Recognition & Rewards menu on the left side of the screen, drop down the 'Rewards' menu* and select 'Company catalog'.

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 10.50.20 AM.png

From the reward catalog page, select 'Create reward'.

*Depending on your configuration, you may see 'Catalogs' for the menu instead of 'Rewards'.

Basic Setup 

While the process for creating a point pool follows the same steps as an individual custom reward, there are a few setup differences.

Once you select the reward type as 'point pool', you can select from two goal types: point amount or date

End date point pool.png  Point goal point pool.png

Once your goal type is selected, specify the exact goal amount or end date in the box on the next row.*

If you selected 'date', this box will show as 'End Date' with a date range.

You'll also want to consider the minimum amount of points an employee must contribute. If all contributors to the point pool get to partake in the reward, you might want to make sure folks are chipping in their fair share. However, this can be left at "1 point" if you don't wish to set a minimum. The rest of the point pool setup follows the same steps as individual rewards.

You will select the type from the 'Category' drop down.

When adding a new custom reward, you must add an image, either an image file or a direct image URL.

You can also select whether your reward will be automatically approved or require manual approval. Consider manual approval for rewards that require a back-end user to fulfill them.

Advanced Setup Point pool advanced settings.png

The Advanced tab allows you to adjust the following options: 

  • Which groups can contribute to the point pool
  • How much inventory you have
  • If a shipping address is required 

'Give back points' and variations are not available options for point pools.


The settings tab allows you to adjust the following options: 

  • The reward fulfillment cost is to the company
  • If the point pool is taxable
  • Whether to assign a user to fulfill the point pool

When you’re ready, select 'Create reward' at the bottom of the form.

Custom rewards settings.png

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