Troubleshooting Common Import Errors

  • Updated

While we strive to make WorkTango Imports quick and easy to do, we also recognize errors can occur. As such, we have provided the list below of potential errors and troubleshooting steps for you to follow.

Seem overwhelming? Don't worry! Our support team is happy to help troubleshoot these errors as well, so feel free to reach out to us at any point for assistance.


Description & Possible Solutions

Departments, Locations & Groups


“countryNotFound”: “Country not found for identifier {{provider}}: {{key}}.“

“departmentNotFound”: “Department not found for identifier {{provider}}: {{key}}.“

“groupNotFound”: “Group not found for identifier {{provider}}: {{key}}.“

“locationNotFound”: “Location not found for identifier {{provider}}: {{key}}.“,


  • WorkTango doesn’t recognize the country, department, location, or group. 


  • Review the Locations, Departments and Groups in the platform for any potential DLGs that already exist.
  • Determine if the issue is spelling related or a duplicative key.
  • If able, download the file and search for the identified value. (Always permanently delete the file after use - SOC-2 Compliance).

Possible Solutions:

  • Update the user in your HRIS with the appropriate information.
  • Add the Department or Group in the platform.



“cannotAssignManagerNotFound”: “Cannot assign manager with {{provider}}: {{key}}.  Nobody with that {{provider}} exists.“


 “managerCannotBeSelf”: “A person cannot be their own manager.“


“managerCircularHierarchy”: “Manager {{provider}}: {{key}} is in this person’s reporting chain.“


“managerNotFound”: “Cannot find manager with {{provider}}: {{key}}.“


“secondaryManagerNotFound”: “Cannot find secondary manager with {{provider}}: {{key}}.”


“cannotHaveMultipleSurveyRoles”: “A user cannot have multiple SURVEY roles.“


Several issues could be flagged for managers: 

  • Identifier provided is not recognized. The row will process, but there will be no stored manager for that user.
  • Manager cannot be set due to a circular relationship. (e.g. a manager can’t have a direct report that is also their manager or in their hierarchy of managers)
  • Secondary manager identifier provided is not recognized. The row will process, but there will be no stored secondary manager for that user.
  • Multiple survey roles - S&I integrated customers cannot have more than one role of Survey_Admin or Survey_Custom. They cannot have both.

Note: Sometimes you’ll see a bad manager error during the file processing. This might go away after the file continues processing, as we have found the missing manager later in the file. 

Possible Solutions:

  • Identifier provided is not recognized. 
    • Solution: Fix the identifier or, if not necessary to fix, ignore the error. 
  • Manager cannot be set due to a circular relationship. 
    • Solution: Identify the manager hierarchy / relationships and remove the manager causing the issue or ignore the error. 
  • Secondary manager identifier provided is not recognized. 
    • Solution: Fix the identifier or, if not necessary to fix, ignore the error. 
  • Multiple survey roles - more than one survey role has been set for a user. 
    • Solution: Select only one survey role of Survey_Custom or Survey_Admin or leave it alone and adjust in the HRIS



“customAttributeMustBeUnique”: “Custom attribute must be unique.“


“customAttributeRequired”: “Custom attribute {{name}} is required.“,


  • Custom Attribute is identified as unique
  • Custom Attribute is identified as required


  • Find Attribute by going to Users > Attributes and review settings 

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjust attribute property to remove unique or required setting or fix the value to align to settings. 

Missing Field


“missingRequiredField”: “Field \“{{header}}\” is required.“


  • A required field is missing.


  • Field should be identified in the error message.

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjust the import setting to make the field optional, if desired or applicable. 
  • Adjust the attribute setting to make the field optional, if desired or applicable. 




“firstNameRequired”: “First name is required”

“lastNameRequired”: “Last name is required”,


  • First and last name is required when creating new users. 


  • Identify the rows or users via unique identifier that are missing these names. 

Possible Solutions:

  • Add the names and rerun the file be sure that each user has a name upon creation. 



“invalidDate”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper date.  Dates should be formatted {{dateFormat}}.“

“invalidBirthday”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper birthday.  Birthday should be formatted MM/DD or {{dateFormat}}.“


  • Dates are formatted


  • Check Import settings to review date format selected.

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjust your date format setting or how your dates or structured.

Invalid Value



“invalidBoolean”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper boolean value. Acceptable values are \“{{validBooleans}}\“. (not case sensitive).“

“invalidGroupType”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper group type.  Acceptable types are \“{{validTypes}}\“.  (not case sensitive).“

“invalidRole”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper role. Acceptable values are \“{{availableRoles}}\“. (not case sensitive).“

“invalidStatus”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper status. Acceptable values are \“{{availableStatuses}}\“. (not case sensitive).“

“invalidUrl”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a valid url. Must start with ‘http://’ or ’https://’.“


  • A improper value has been identified in a specific field.


  • Review the error message for guidance on acceptable values.

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjust the field or value to the acceptable list of values.


Invalid Numeric Value

“invalidInputMustBeInteger”: “{{input}} must be an integer.“,

“invalidNumber”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper number.“


  • An improper value and/or number has been provided.


  • Review the error for guidance:
  • If the field is expecting a number, make sure it is a whole number. (No negative, decimals, point values over a million, or “cheeseburger”)

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjust to provide a proper numeric value.


“unmatchedHeader”: “Header \“{{header}}\” doesn’t match any field we recognize.”


  • A header was provided that WorkTango does not recognize.


  • Is this an attribute and the attribute is not yet created in the platform?
  • Check the spelling of the header and does it match
  • Download the HRIS Template to review the possible headers

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjust the header spelling
  • Create the field in the WorkTango platform (attributes)
  • Remove

ID/Person Issue


“identifierNotUnique”: “Person not saved, {{provider}} ‘{{key}}’  is already in use.“

   “personNotFound”: “Person not found for identifier {{provider}}: {{key}}.“,


  • WorkTango does not recognize the unique identifier (example will include the email or unique ID)

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjusts your unique identifier for the user(s) with errors.


“invalidPointRule”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper point rule. Acceptable values are \“{{availablePointRules}}\“. (not case sensitive).“

“invalidPoints”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper points value.  Must be an integer between {{min}} and {{max}}.“,


  • The file includes a point rule that doesn’t exist.
  • The file includes a point assignment that is not a whole number or exceeds maximum points.


  • Review the error for guidance
  • Check Points Rules for spelling and creation needs

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjust the value
  • Ignore
  • Make adjustments to changes to the point rule


“invalidGoalPrivacy”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper goal privacy.  Acceptable values are \“{{validTypes}}\“.  (not case sensitive)“

“invalidGoalRiskStatus”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper risk status.  Acceptable values are \“{{validStatuses}}\“. (not case sensitive).“

“invalidGoalStatus”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper goal status.  Acceptable statuses are \“{{validStatuses}}\“.  (not case sensitive).“

“invalidGoalType”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper goal type.  Acceptable types are \“{{validTypes}}\“.  (not case sensitive).“

 “invalidMeasurableResultType”: “{{header}}: \“{{value}}\” is not a proper measurable result type.  Acceptable types are \“{{validTypes}}\“.  (not case sensitive)“


  • An issue with a Goal specific import has been identified.


  • Review the provided errors for details on the value provided vs. acceptable values

Possible Solutions:

  • Adjust the identified row or field with an improper value provided. Modify to an acceptable value listed in the error details.
File Issue


“missingPgpKeys”: “Missing pgp keys. Cannot encrypt or decrypt file.  (not case sensitive).“

“notYourIngestionRun”: “You do not have permission to view this batch.“

“unexpectedError”: “An internal system error occurred.  Please contact support.“

“badPrivateKey”: “Failed to decrypt privateKey. Cannot decrypt file properly without a privateKey.“

“badPublicKey”: “Failed to load publicKey. Cannot encrypt file properly without a publicKey.“


  • Access, security, and/or permissions issues.


  • Submit a support request.


“cannotCancel”: “Failed to cancel import. Import may have already been canceled or is already complete.“

“cannotRetry”: “Failed to retry import. Import may be of the wrong type.“,

“emailSurveys”: “Email address is required for People with a SURVEY role.“

“mergeIntegrationRequiresEmail”: “Users setting up Merge integrations must have an email”,


  • Issues with cancelling or retrying.
  • In order to create users in S&I, user must have an email address.
  • In order to setup Merge linked accounts, Admin must have an email address.

Possible Solutions:

  • Add email, if relevant. Dummy email could work, if needed.

System Failure 


“systemError”: “System error.  Please try again.”

“failedToDecryptFile”: “Failed to decrypt file.“

“failedToGetMergeToken”: “Failed to get account integration info from Merge”

“generalParsingError”: “Failed to parse file. Internal error.“,

“invalidKeysSet”: “Invalid input.  Either provide {{exclusiveKey}} or one or more of {{exclusiveKeys}}“


  • Access, security, and/or permissions issues.


  • Submit a support request.

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