Anyone invited to the WorkTango platform with access to their hierarchy (ie. their direct & indirect reports), a specific attribute (ex. department, location, region), or both, will be able to view reporting and analytics for all employees who fall under their access level.
Users who are given access to their hierarchy are able to view results for 2 groups:
- their direct reports; and
- their entire hierarchy including direct and indirect reports
For users that have employees in their hierarchy that also have direct reports, they can isolate any of those leaders and see insights related directly to them.
Below is a description of how to view results with hierarchy or custom permissions.
Platform Navigation
After registration and your first login, you will be directed to the Surveys page. This page is where you can access survey results by clicking on a survey title.
You can navigate through the platform using the menu on the left-hand side. The pages you may have access to include:
- Surveys - this is the platform's home page that lists out all the surveys you have access to
- Conversations* - acknowledge or respond to anonymous employee comments through the Conversations tab
- Action Planning* - this page allows you to create and assign actions either to yourself or others in your hierarchy
- Learning Coach - search from a range of articles focused on different employee engagement topics to support your action planning
- Help - if you ever need assistance, there are several ways we can help you
*This feature may be toggled off for your organization, which can result in you not having access
Viewing Survey Results
When you click on any completed or in-progress survey from the Surveys page, you will be redirected to Overview as the default page. You will be able to navigate across the different reporting pages using the tabs listed in the header.
Viewing results for your direct reports vs. entire hierarchy
If you manage both direct reports and an indirect hierarchy, you are able to view results for both groups. By default, your scores show up for your direct reports. You can view your entire hierarchy's results by:
- clicking on the 'Filters' button
- selecting the 'People Leader' attribute
- choosing the Hierarchy Report
You can also view scores for any leaders under your hierarchy by selecting their email from the list of People Leader options.
Overview Tab
The Overview page gives you a high level summary of results for the subset of employees you have access to. If you have previous surveys in the platform with the same survey type, this page will also provide comparable statistics. Finally, you will also see a comparison from an organizational-wide standpoint.
Response Rates Tab
This section provides the response rate for your team and may offer insight into where there may be gaps in response rates to help you encourage participation.
On this page, you are able to use the 'Compare With' drop down to compare your response rates to other other surveys, other attributes (if applicable) or the organization-level results.
You can also view the spread of response rates across primary attributes under the Spread of Response Rates by Attribute section.
Response Rate Tab – this view shows your team's response rates and how they compare across other surveys, attributes, or the organization
View the spread of scores across different employee attributes to identify where within your team response rates could be improved
Results Tab
This is the most detailed reporting page that shows each survey question and its results.
Results show up as a comparison to the overall results in the organization. To isolate and only show results without comparison, simply toggle the 'compare' button on the right-hand side.
You can also filter within your hierarchy any other employee attributes added by your company (i.e. location, department, tenure)
Reporting Tab - this is where you can view all people leader data by hierarchy or direct reports and choose to compare them to overall company results.
Analyze Tab
The Analyze tab shows the results for all Rating, Icon, and eNPS type questions and factors either through an AVG or Percentage (%) view. WorkTango's recommend view is Percentage (%) whereby scores are reported as the % Favorable score.
Factors and questions are stack ranked from highest to lowest to help you understand where there are opportunities for celebration, as well as areas of opportunities for improvement on your team.
Analyze Tab – this section stack ranks your factors and questions to help you understand where scores are higher vs. lower.
On the Analyze page, you can filter your results using the 'Filters' button, compare your results to the overall organization or other attribute (if applicable) using the 'Compare with' dropdown, or view the Spread of Scores by Attribute.
When viewing the spread of scores by attribute, you are displayed the spread of scores across all groups within a specific attribute. The larger the spread, the more variability in the scores and the more likely that outlier groups exist. Ideally, you want the spread of scores to be small and closer to 100%.
Spread of Scores by Attribute - in the above image, you are able to see the spread of scores for Department (49%-79% positive) and the breakdown for each Department.
Heatmap Tab
The Heatmap page allows you to compare scores across groups within a specific employee attribute to understand how groups are scoring relative to one another, and whether there are any disparities across groups.
To view a heatmap, first, select the employee attribute you'd like to view results for. Below, the attribute "Management Level" is selected, with the % favorable scores for survey factors being shown for each management level.
The legends shows the scale of scores and how the color scheme works. Typically, darker red colours represent lower scores, whereas dark blue colours represent areas with more favorable scores.
Heatmap Tab – the heatmap page allows you to select an attribute and see how groups within that attribute score relative to one another
Exporting your Results
You can export a summary report of your survey's results to Power Point as well as any of your data or graphs to Excel.
In any of the reporting tabs, click on 'Export' in the top right corner.
You will see a drop down menu that will allow you to select 'Summary Report' (export to PPT) or 'Results' (export to Excel).
To learn more about exporting your results, check out this article on Exporting.
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