Viewing your Scores: Average vs. Percentage

  • Updated

Across the platform, there are two ways to view your scores for rating and icon based questions: by Percentage (%) or by Average (AVG). Depending on the page, these viewpoints will either show the Average, % Favorable scores, or the distribution of % Favorable, Neutral, and Unfavorable scores.


Percentage (%) View

Analyze Page

On the Analyze page, % view by 'Distribution' generates the distribution of % Favorable, % Neutral, and % Unfavorable scores. This helps you understand the breakdown of results and easily compare your questions or factors.

The breakdown of favorable, neutral, and unfavorable scores is dependent on the scale used. Below is a list of different rating scales and their correspond distributions:

  • 2 point scale: Favorable = selections of 2, Unfavorable = selections of 1
  • 3 point scale: Favorable = selections of 3, Neutral = selections of 2, Unfavorable = selections of 1
  • 4 point scale: Favorable = selections of 4 &5, Unfavorable = selections of 1 & 2; there is no neutral
  • 5 point scale: Favorable = selections of 4 &5, Neutral = selections of 3, Unfavorable = selections of 1 & 2
  • 6 point scale: Favorable = selections of 5 & 6, Neutral = selections of 3 & 4, Unfavorable = selections of 1 & 2
  • 7 point scale: Favorable = selections of 6 & 7, Neutral = selections of 4 & 5, Unfavorable = selections of 1, 2, & 3
  • 8 point scale: Favorable = selections of 6, 7 & 8, Neutral = selections of 4 & 5, Unfavorable = selections of 1, 2, & 3
  • 9 point scale: Favorable = selections of 6, 7, 8 & 9, Neutral = selections of 5, Unfavorable = selections of 1, 2, 3, & 4
  • 10 point scale: Favorable = selections of 7, 8, 9, & 10, Neutral = selections of 5 & 6, Unfavorable = selections of 1, 2, 3, & 4

When viewing by % and 'Score,' you will generate only the % Favorable score for your questions and factors.

Analyze tab.pngAnalyze Tab: There are 2 options to view your scores; By % or AVG


Results Page

One the Results page, each rating and icon question will have a Favorable score. This is the % of respondents who selected either a 4 or 5 for the question.

Results favorability:avg.pngResults Tab: There are 2 options to view your scores; By AVG or Favorable


Average View

Across all tabs, the Average score represents the weighted Average. It is calculated using the following formula:

  1. Multiply the number of individuals selecting each rating by the corresponding rating value (for example, 1 – 5).
  2. Add the results of those calculations together.
  3. Divide that result by the total number of responses to the question.

Another way to think about Average, is to multiple the score by the highest rating value (e.g., 5 on a 5 point scale) and it will give you the avgerage value selected (e.g., if the average score is 50% on a 5 point scale then the average value selected is 2.5)


WorkTango's Recommended View

WorkTango recommends using the Percentage (%) view when reporting your survey scores. There are many reasons for this, including:

  • It allows for differentiation between ”agree” and “disagree” responses (i.e., user can clearly understand the proportion of favorable and unfavorable sentiment)
  • EX: for engagement, you can indicate what the % Favorable scores to help you understand whether engagement is high or low
  • It visually presents both groupings of data (versus the average method of calculation which only displays one number and is subject to skews)
  • It allows factors and questions to be stack ranked (i.e., ranked from most favorable to least favorable)
  • It is generally more comprehendible to a general audience

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