Understanding WorkTango's Reporting and Analytics Pages

  • Updated

To access results for any survey, click on the survey's title on the Surveys home page.

Survey Home Screen.png

Access your survey results by clicking the survey's title

This will take you to Overview as the default page. You will be able to navigate across the different reporting pages using the tabs listed in the header.

Reporting dashboard S&I.png

You can navigate through your survey results using the various reporting tabs


Overview Page

The Overview page gives you a high level summary of your survey results, and how they compare to the last survey, as well as to the organization-wide results (if you're viewing the results for a subset of the organization, ex. your team ). The Overview page includes the following sections:

  • Response Rates: shows the survey's response rate and how it compares to the last survey's response rate
  • Highlights: highlights any significant increases or decreases in scores compared to your last survey, as well as whether any of your scores fall in the top or bottom 25% of the organization
  • Factor Summary: a summary of scores for your key factors, the top 3 and bottom 3 rated factors, as well as any comparative data to your last survey or to the overall organization (if applicable)
  • Question Summary: a summary of scores for your key factor's questions, the top 3 and bottom 3 rated questions, as well as any comparative data to your last survey or to the overall organization (if applicable)

Response Rates Page

The Response Rates tab provides insight into parts of the organization that are represented in your dataset. During the open survey window, this section also helps companies encourage participation within areas of the organization that have low response rates.

There are three ways to view and organize your response rates data:

  • Filter - You can filter your response rates data based on a specific employee attribute by using the Filters button.
  • Spread by Attribute - You can view the spread of response rates by attribute, which adjusts as filters are applied.
  • Compare with - You can compare your response rate data with other surveys, other attributes, or the organization-wide response rate using the 'Compare With' drop-down menu.

response rates.png
Response Rates Tab – this view shows the response rates of a specific Job Family.

Results Page

The Results page is the most detailed page where all survey question results are displayed. You can see results for your entire team, or filter based on employee attributes using the Filters button.

Each card represents a survey question and the selections made by employees, the number of people who responded to the question, the average score for the question, as well as the % Favorable score.

Open-ended questions are also accessed through the Results page. To view comments to you open-ended questions, click on "More Details" or anywhere on the question card.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 11.46.58 AM.pngResults Tab - This view shows results for all survey questions


Analyze Tab

The Analyze tab shows the results for all Rating, Icon, and eNPS type questions and factors either through an AVG or Percentage (%) view. Check out this article to understand the difference between the 2 methods of viewing your scores.

WorkTango recommends using the Percentage (%) view to see the distribution of % Favorable, Neutral, and Unfavorable scores, as well as to generate the % Favorable score which can be used for reporting purposes.

Analyze tab.png

The Analyze page stack ranks factors/questions to help you understand where there are opportunities for celebration, as well as areas of opportunities for improvement on your team or in the organization.

Stack rank.png

Analyze Tab – this section stack ranks your factor and questions to help you understand where scores are higher vs. lower.


Similarly with the Response Rates tab, there are three ways to view and organize your the data: with Filters, Compare With, and Spread of Score by Attribute.

The Spread by Attribute sub-section allows you to easily understand the spread of scores within an attribute for all questions, or a specific question or category. Typically, a larger spread means more variation in scores across employee attributes, signalling that there may be outlier groups with notably higher or lower scores.

Spread by attribute.png

Depending on the question and configuration, you may also be able to see benchmarking information comparing to industry standards. For more information on WorkTango's benchmarking, see the following:

Heatmap Page

The Heatmap page allows you to understand whether there are differences is sentiment across groups within an employee attribute (ex. whether there are significant differences in scores for females vs. males). This helps you understand what segments within the organization have greater areas of opportunity and where further emphasis should be placed for action planning.

To view a heatmap, select the Employee Attribute of interest. This will generate a heatmap that will show how ratings compare to one another for that specific employee attribute. The associated rating colours fall along a spectrum of blue, white, and red and are based on your survey's highest and lowest scores.

You can also compare your results with other surveys by selecting a survey under the Compare With drop-down menu. By doing so, ratings on your heatmap will be represented as deltas.

Heatmap by management level.pngHeatmap Tab – this view compares employee feedback across different management levels

Trends Page

WorkTango allows you to see trends in how employees respond to the same questions or factors across the same survey type (ex. Engagement or DEI) over time. This provides better insight into whether employees' attitudes are changing due to certain initiatives, interventions, or events.

1. Selecting Surveys to Trend on the Trends Page

On the Trends page, click on 'Select more surveys' to get a list of surveys you are able to trend. Select as many surveys as you'd like to trend.

REMINDER: you are only able to trend surveys within the same survey type

2. Selecting Surveys to Trend using the "Select more surveys" Button

Another way to access the surveys you'd like to trend is to click on 'Select more surveys' beside your survey's name. This will generate the same list of survey options.

When selecting multiple surveys, data for all surveys get aggregated data in Response Rates, Results, and Analyze pages.

Trends page.pngTrends tab - this view shows the upward trend to a question across two separate DEI surveys.





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