WorkTango allows you to trend the same questions and factors across different surveys of the same type to see how employee sentiment is changing over time. This provides better insight into whether employees' attitudes are changing due to certain initiatives, interventions, or events that have taken place.
Trends Tab
To view Trends for a survey, select the 'Trends' tab in the left navigation. Once here, click on "Select Surveys to Trend" to get a list of surveys you are able to trend. Select up to 10 surveys you'd like to see trends for.
You also have option to filter the surveys based on their survey type or the survey launch date range as shown in the picture below.
On the Trends page, you can see trends between specific factors or questions by toggling between the two options.
Select the specific factors or questions you'd like to trend from the drop down menu.
To add or remove surveys, you don't have to go all the way back to the starting point, you can do so by clicking a "+ Add Survey" icon on top of the Trends page. You can also filter the survey data by selecting different attributes within the "Filters" button.
If you take a look at the example below, you are trending the results of the three surveys, namely "Engagement Survey - 2021", "Engagement Survey - 2022", and "Engagement Survey - 2023".
This chart in particular represents the survey data for the question mentioned at the top. The visual says that there was an increase of 19.1% in percent favorable. Meaning, the number of people who chose either 4 or 5 on the 5 points scale for the above question increased by 19.1% in the most recent survey compared to the previous selected surveys. The right-hand side of the chart shows whether the favorable percentage is decreasing (red) or increasing (blue).
If you want to dive further into the analysis of a particular survey, you can click on the bar and it will take you to the dashboard of that survey.
Heatmap Trends
Trending heatmaps allows you to compare any two surveys to each other and easily see the variance in scores for every custom employee attribute by factors, questions, or overall scores.
Navigate to the 'Surveys' tab in the left navigation, select the "Completed" tab and click "View Reports" for your selected survey. Then click the 'Heatmap' tab in the reporting dashboard.
To view aggregated results, select a second survey from the survey selection menu at the top left of the page by clicking on the 'Select more surveys' button.
To compare scores between two surveys, select an attribute you want to look at trends for from the 'Select an attribute' drop down menu.
Attributes must share the same name across surveys for comparisons to be shown in the heatmap.
Then, select which survey you would like to compare it to from the 'Compare With' drop down menu. You will then see a heatmap that shows the deltas or difference in score between the surveys.
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