How to analyze and act on survey results

  • Updated

If you're a People Leader or HR admin unsure about where to start when it comes to analyzing your survey results and identifying areas of action, review this article for a step-by-step guide. A checklist exists at the bottom of this article that summarizes the steps below.


The Overview page is where you should start your data analysis, as it highlights key insights from your survey results. When reviewing this page, focus on the following:

  • Your highest and lowest scoring factors or questions
  • Any factors that have significant (10%+ ) increases or decreases in scores compared to your last survey
  • Any factors that have significantly (10%+) higher or lower scores compared to organization-wide results

Next, leverage the platform's additional reporting tabs to provide context to the results on the Overview page.

Response Rates

After reviewing the Overview page, take a look at the Response Rates tab to understand what population of your employees are represented in the survey. Leverage the Spread Of Response Rates By Attribute section to view the spread of response rate by different employee attributes and see which groups are potentially underrepresented.


Navigate to the Analyze page to view which factors and questions have the highest and lowest sentiment.

Leverage the "Compare with" feature to compare your scores to previous surveys (if applicable) or, if you're a people leader, to see how your team's scores compare to the organization-wide results.

When identifying areas of opportunity, focus on the following:

  • celebrating your top scoring factors/questions
  • the bottom 3 scoring factors/questions
  • your largest neutral scores


Once you have a good idea of what scores look like at an organization/team wide level, navigate to the heatmap tab to compare your scores across different groups within an attribute. Common attributes to compare scores by, if applicable, include Gender, Department, Location, Tenure, and Management Level.

Comparing scores across groups within an attribute gives you insight into where significant differences in sentiment may exist.

For example, you may find that Females are scoring significantly less favourable on Career Growth. This may be a good opportunity to implement career growth initiatives or conversations, with an emphasis on female career growth.

For leaders with smaller teams (less than 10 employees), the heatmap may not be available due to WorkTango's anonymity thresholds.


Once you've reviewed your quantitative survey results, leverage the Results tab to view open-ended comments. Comments can provide context to your quantitative data and help you get a fuller picture of employee sentiment. You can leverage the "Filters" button to filter your results by different groups.

Download the Summary Export

Now that you've had a chance to review your survey results in the platform, use the Export --> Summary Report feature to export your results into a PPT. This report will include a high-level summary of your results. We encourage people leaders and HR admins share these results with their employees.

Action Planning

Our platform makes the action planning process easy as it offers suggested actions related to factors that your organization or team have scored low on. Easily assign these actions to yourself through the "Suggested Actions" button on the Analyze or Overview tab.On the Action Planning page, create your own actions based on the survey results, or leverage our Action Library to find other actions you may want to implement. These actions can be assigned to yourself, as well as other leaders in your hierarchy (if applicable).

Results Analysis Checklist

  • Review the Overview tab to get a high-level summary of your survey results
  • Check your organization's/team's response rates on the Response Rates tab
  • Leverage the Analyze tab to identify factors with the lowest scoring sentiment
  • Use the Heatmap page to see whether discrepancies exist between different employee groups
  • Review open-ended comments under the Results page to get additional context to quantitative data
  • Export a summary of your results into PPT using the Summary Report export button
  • Use the Action Planing section to start identifying and keep track of actions

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