The WorkTango platform allows leaders to get access to their team's results via "Their Hierarchy" access. Hierarchy access allows leaders to view 2 levels of results:
Direct Reports: This dashboard shows leaders scores for just their direct reports
- ex. John has 8 direct reports and all 8 direct reports have completed the survey. When viewing his "Direct Report" dashboard, he will be see the results for these 8 people
Entire Hierarchy: This dashboard shows leaders the results for all employees within their hierarchy
- ex. If John's 8 direct reports each have 2 of their own direct reports, and they all complete the survey, John can view by his "Hierarchy" to see scores for all 24 employees under him
How Hierarchies are Built
When building hierarchies, the platform references the "Manager Employee ID" in the employee file to build a linear chain up to the CEO or leader of the organization. This means that every employee should have an associated Manager Employee ID, except for the CEO/leader of the organization.
The Employee ID type can either be Numeric ID or Email. We recommend using a Numeric ID for both Employee ID and Manager Employee ID.
The employee ID type used as a Manager Employee ID must match the type used under Employee ID (ie. if you use email under Employee ID, email needs to be used under Manager Employee ID).
Considerations for Employee File
One common error we see in employee files is that the Manager Employee IDs do not create a linear hierarchy.
Rather, they create a "Loop," leading to an error in the platform. In this instance, a leader shows to be reporting into themself or into people below them in their hierarchy. This will lead to broken hierarchies where leaders don't have the correct number of people in their dashboards.
The chart below shows a list of Employee and Manager Employee IDs. You will notice that John Smith* is reporting into Don Williams*, however, Don Williams has John Smith listed as his Manager Employee ID (row 4). This will create a loop in the hierarchy as leaders can't report into people below them in their hierarchy.
Employee ID | Manager Employee ID |* |* | | | | |* |* |
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I include a Manager Employee ID in the employee file without adding that manager as an employee?
- This not possible. Any Email or Numeric ID under the Manager Employee ID field needs to be linked to an employee record/employee ID (ie. all managers needs to be listed as employees in the employee file).
Are Manager’s Employee IDs required?
- An employee does not need to have a Manager’s Employee ID associated with their employee record to be in the system, but this employee’s data will not be shown under any manager’s hierarchy as a result.
What about CEOs? Do they need a manager’s employee ID associated to them?
- CEOs/Presidents (or other roles who do not report to another role), do not need to have a manager’s employee ID associated to them as they are at the top of the org chart.
What if there has been a manager update?
- Please reach out to your account manager to determine the best approach when dealing with a manager update.
What if an employee doesn't have a manager?
- There are a few different options you can go with in the case that an employee doesn't have a direct manager at the time of drafting your employee file. This includes creating a placeholder Employee ID email, or inputting the next higher up manager under their Manager Employee ID. Please reach out to your account manager to understand the different options and what makes sense for your organization.
Do manager employee IDs need to be unique?
- The manager employee ID does not have to be unique, and usually isn't. The Manager Employee ID column lists the "Employee ID" of each employee's manager. Since managers often have multiple direct reports, their Employee ID will show up multiple times in the employee file.
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