Reopening a Closed Survey

  • Updated

When a survey closes, it is possible to re-open the survey and continue accepting employee responses, or send it out to more employees. To do so, follow the steps below.

  1. Find your survey on the Surveys home page and click on the drop-down next to View Reports to select "Edit Survey"

  3. Please go to the "Share" page (third stage), which contains details about the survey recipients, email invite, and survey/launch expiry time.
    Scroll down to the "Schedule" section. Beside "Expiry Time," adjust the expiry date and time to when you'd like the new expiry details to be.

  5. Once you've selected the new expiry date/time, click "Update" to update the expiry date. This will re-open the survey.

If people leaders have access to results and a survey is reopened, they will receive an additional email post-close of the survey each time.

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