An essential part of optimizing your employee experience program is understanding employee engagement. WorkTango Dashboards provide filterable data visualizations to help platform admins understand and improve employee engagement across multiple features in the platform.
To get started with Dashboards, navigate to your Admin dashboard by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of your WorkTango home page.
Once you have landed on your Admin dashboard, you will see your Dashboards menu in the left navigation under “Company.”
Dashboards Best Practices
Activity Attributes Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard provides data that summarizes user activity in the platform.
Why is this dashboard useful?
This dashboard helps admins understand platform activity and trends. Specifically, use this dashboard to get a deeper understanding of which employee populations are active within the platform, and which may be disconnected from your business and your mission.
What to check in this dashboard:
Activity attributes: Activity Attributes split users in a company into four groups of activity across individual platform actions as well as creating a total activity benchmark. We first calculate the Inactive users, and then the remainder of the users are split into quarterly groups of Very active, Active, and Somewhat active.
Total actions by employee: This stacked bar chart shows all of the employees in your company, stack ranked by total actions taken within the platform, from highest number to lowest number. The bar chart also includes the activity attribute group that each employee belongs to based on their activity level.
Employee activity by manager activity:This stacked bar chart looks at the activity levels of the managers at your company (x-axis) and compares it to the activity levels of their direct reports (y-axis). This chart enables you to correlate manager usage of the platform with employee usage.
Average employee tenure by activity level: This bar chart shows platform activity level by average employee tenure.
Average number of actions and tenure by department: This bar chart shows each department's employee size and average number of actions taken by its employees, side-by-side with the department’s average employee tenure. It is sorted descending by the average number of actions.
Employees' average number of actions by tenure: This bar chart compares the number of employees at your organization with the average number of actions based on years of tenure at your organization.
User actions by presence of avatar: This bar chart compares the activity levels of users with and without avatars in the platform.
Cadence to check this dashboard:
WorkTango recommends reviewing this dashboard on at least a quarterly basis. Best practice is to incorporate this dashboard into HR program reviews. Visit the dashboard before, during, and after kicking off new initiatives or refreshing existing ones.
Budget Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard gives admins a detailed view of how many points are active in the system over time.
Why is this dashboard useful?
This dashboard helps admins keep track of how many points are active in the system, and can help inform decisions about potential changes to a fulfillment budget. The dashboard makes it easier for admins to understand trends in point balances over time. If too many points are going unused, it may be worthwhile to reallocate funds to other features of the platform to drive engagement.
What to check in this dashboard:
- Current Points to send
- Current active points to spend
Admins are now able to filter by the following attributes within the Budget Dashboard, just like they can in other areas of the platform:
Date range
Employee status
Cadence to check this dashboard:
Checking this dashboard once a quarter (or whatever your cadence is for point refreshes) will empower you to see if your current budget is being used effectively.
In order to add filtering to the Budget Dashboard, certain data points present in previous version of the Dashboard have now been deprecated. These include: Daily snapshots of average point balances; Average points forfeited; and Average points allocated.
Company Activity Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard summarizes WorkTango activity for individuals and departments in the platform.
Why is this dashboard useful?
This dashboard summarizes data from the previous completed month, allowing you to view top performing individuals and departments.
What to check in this dashboard:
Top Contributors
Shows top five contributors in the company based on total actions completed in the previous month.
The Company Activity Dashboard includes links to the User Activity Dashboard and the Activity Attributes Dashboard. Visit these to dig into the details summarized in the Company Activity Dashboard.
Top Departments
Shows the top five departments based on the average number of actions completed during the previous month.
Cadence to check this dashboard:
This dashboard is refreshed on the first of each month, and the values do not change until the next month begins. Check this dashboard once per month.
Celebrations Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard contains all past information and occurrences for birthdays, new hires, and work anniversaries that are recognized in your instance.
Why is this dashboard useful?
This dashboard gives you an accurate account of how often milestones are being achieved and how many points are being distributed to such celebrations. While birthdays will be quite regular, non-annual anniversaries will naturally fluctuate over time with the tenure of your employee.
What to check in this dashboard:
- Anniversaries
- New hires
- Birthdays
Cadence to check this dashboard:
View this dashboard annually to see how many employees are hitting various milestones (if relevant to your configuration).
Incentives Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard provides a breakdown of how your incentives are being utilized by employees. Since incentives are designed to grow and change with your company, seeing what is popular and what isn’t can help admins to effectively drive platform engagement.
Why is this dashboard useful?
Since incentives are a constantly changing factor on your platform, the ability to evaluate their use will inform decisions regarding future improvements and changes to your incentives lineup.
What to check in this dashboard:
- Average incentives claims
- Incentives engagement
- Average points earned
- Total points earned
- Incentive claims over time
- Claims per incentive
- Points per incentive
Cadence to check this dashboard:
View this dashboard monthly, or whenever you are considering changing your incentives lineup.
Recognition Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard displays statistics regarding the frequency of different recognition types as well as numbers regarding overall engagement.
Why is this dashboard useful?
Having insights as to how recognition is being used across your company is essential to maintaining and improving your platform over time.
What to check in this dashboard:
- Average Recognitions sent
- Recognition engagement: Percentage of employees who have sent at least one recognition. This is a key metric in understanding how engaged your employees are in the platform.
- Average recognitions received per employee
- Average number of points received per recognition
- Cross-department recognition: Percentage of how many recognition posts recognize an employee from another department.
- High Five engagement
- Recognition actions taken over time: This is presented as a line graph and offers a breakdown of individual recognitions types, as well as a “total” statistic.
Understanding why your company has surges of activity when it does can assist in future configuration changes. - Recognitions sent by Core Value: See how your core values are being utilized and how many recognitions use each one.
- Recognitions received by points: This graph groups recognitions within ranges of point values
Cadence to check this dashboard
Check this dashboard every 1-3 months to get an idea of how employees are engaging with the platform.
Recognition Activity Dashboard
Description of dashboard: While similar to the Recognition dashboard, the Recognition Activity dashboard offers information at a more individualistic level.
Why is this dashboard useful?
This dashboard can help to identify users with high levels of activity, as well as those who may need some additional encouragement. This dashboard was recently refreshed to enable admins to filter easily to better understand recognition activity by individual manager and team.
What to check in this dashboard:
Admins are able to view the following system totals sent/received within a selected period of time:
- Activity
- Sent Recognitions
- Received Recognitions
- Sent Recognition points
- Received Recognition points
- Sent High5s
- Received High5s
- Sent Comments
- Received Comments
- Sent Core Values
- Received Core Values
- Claims per Incentive
- Incentive Points Earned
- Current active points to send
- Current active points to spend
Cadence to check this dashboard:
Check this dashboard every 1-3 months to get an idea of how employees are engaging with the platform.
Rewards Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard tells admins about how many rewards that have been redeemed and how many people have redeemed for rewards.
Why is this dashboard useful?
Knowing what percentage of your population has redeemed for rewards and how much those rewards cost on average, per employee, help admins tell what types of rewards are popular and how many people are getting the most out of the platform.
What to check in this dashboard:
- Rewards engagement
- Average points spent per employee
- Average cost per employee
- Points spent on custom rewards (if applicable)
- Cost of token redemptions (if applicable)
- Total store cost
- Points redeemed for rewards over time
- Cost of store rewards over time (GRS)
- Redemptions per store reward
- Cost per store reward
Cadence to check this dashboard:
View this dashboard quarterly to see how employees are utilizing their points to spend.
User Activity Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard provides data that summarizes user activity in the platform.
Why is this dashboard useful?
This dashboard helps admins understand platform activity and trends. Specifically, use this dashboard to get a deeper understanding of which employee populations are active and which are less active. Activity Attributes augment the User Activity dashboard to provide new data visualizations and information to non-admin users like managers, senior leaders, and individual contributors.
What to check in this dashboard:
Average user actions by month: The bars in this chart show the average number of user actions taken by employees in your company by month. The industry line is a benchmark from other WorkTango customers in a similar industry to yours. The size line represents other WorkTango customers with a similar employee count to yours.
User activity by month: This line chart shows the percentage of your employees who are using specific platform features each month.
Average user actions by department: This stacked bar chart shows the number of employees in each department and averages actions by type of activity. Departments are stack ranked from the highest average activity level at the top to the lowest average activity level at the bottom. This chart allows comparison across departments of different sizes.
Participation by department: This heat map shows the number of employees in each department, the overall level of platform participation by department, and level of departmental participation by specific activity type. It is stack ranked from departments with the highest level of activity to the lowest level of activity.
Total actions by employee: This stacked bar chart shows all of the employees in your company, stack ranked by total number of actions.
Direct report participation by manager: This heat map shows the number of direct reports per manager, the overall level of team participation by manager, and level of direct report participation by specific activity type. It is stack ranked from managers with the highest levels of team activity to those with the lowest levels of team activity.
Cadence to check this dashboard:
WorkTango recommends reviewing this dashboard on at least a quarterly basis.
"Your Activity" User Profile Dashboard
Description of dashboard: This dashboard provides employees with insights into their own platform activity over time. Users can access their own data, but not data from peers or other employees.
Why is this dashboard useful?
The data is specific to a single user and their managerial hierarchy. Activity Attributes split users in a company into five groups of activity across individual platform actions as well as creating a total activity benchmark. We first calculate the Inactive users, and then the remainder of the users are split into quarterly groups of Very active, Active, Somewhat active, and Rarely active. This data also shows up on your ‘User Activity’ dashboard.
What to check in this dashboard:
Your activity: This report shows your own activity levels by platform feature during the last completed quarter.
Your activity by month: Shows your overall activity score by month for the last calendar year.
Your actions by month: Shows your total number of platform actions each month for the last calendar year, broken out by actions per platform feature. Hover over the stacked bar charts to see individual counts.
Cadence to check this dashboard:
WorkTango recommends reviewing this dashboard on at least a quarterly basis.
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