Pinned Recognition allows full admins* to highlight special or important recognitions by “pinning” them to the top of the Activity Feed. (And don’t worry - this comes with the ability to unpin a recognition when it’s no longer relevant. We don’t expect you to make that kind of commitment.)
Any public recognition can be pinned, not just Special Recognitions.
This ability is only available to full administrators of the platform at this time. This excludes Group Admins.
Pinning a Recognition
To get started, click the meatball menu on the post you would like to pin*. Select the option to “Pin.”
This option will only appear for public posts. Private recognitions cannot be pinned.
You will then be presented with the option to provide a reason that you are pinning the recognition (e.g., Recognition of the Month).
This step is completely optional, but offers you the opportunity to provide a little more context around the pinned recognition. (Keep it brief though - you only have 100 characters.)
Once a recognition is pinned, it will appear at the top of the Activity Feed and will also maintain its natural position in the feed. If you pin a recent recognition, you may see it twice until the post’s natural position cycles out of the feed.
There is no limit to the number of recognitions you can pin – but make sure you leave enough room for new recognitions, too. Pinned posts will appear in the order in which they are pinned.
Unpinning a Recognition
When you’re ready to unpin a recognition, simply click the meatball menu again. You’ll notice the option now appears to “Un-pin.”
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