Viewing Incentives Reports & Dashboards

  • Updated

The “Incentives claims” report displays a breakdown of all Incentives claims at your organization. You can leverage this data to uncover insights to improve upon your Incentives program. Easily identify which Incentives are the most and least popular, who is claiming them, review submitted proof, and much more. 

To access your Incentives claims report, navigate to the Admin Dashboard and in the left navigation under the Company tab, click “Reports”.  From there, find “Incentives claim” from the “Report type” dropdown menu. Once selected, you can adjust the date range from which you would like to pull data from and add any applicable filters. 

This report is only available to Admins and those with the Analyst role.

Additionally, the Incentives dashboard can be leveraged for a visualization of Incentives usage at your organization. Analyze average Incentive claims, Incentives engagement, average points earned, Incentive claims over time, claims per Incentive, and much more. 

Navigate to the admin dashboard, under the “Company” header is a “Dashboards” dropdown. Select “Incentives” to access your Incentives dashboard.


Incentives claims report

For a high level overview of Incentives, including top claimants and total claims per Incentive, go to “Insights” in the left navigation of the main WorkTango home page to view the Recognition activity dashboard.

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